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Production Mode

Building for production environment#

Running the yarn build command from the project's root directory creates a production build for API and Frontend packages.

API build will be created in the packages/api/build directory and the frontend in the packages/frontend/.next.

Next, you can run packages separately with the yarn start command.


cd packages/apiyarn start

Will run the API on the following URL: http://localhost:4000


cd packages/frontendyarn start

Will run the Frontend on the following URL: http://localhost:3000


PM2 is a process manager that helps to keep Node.js applications alive all the time.

To use the PM2, we need to install it globally.

yarn global add pm2@latest

Since Orca comes with a pm2 configuration file, you can run both packages by running one command from the project's root directory.

pm2 start pm2.config.json

After running the command, API will be available on the following URL: http://localhost:4000 and the Frontend on the following http://localhost:3000.

PM2 Commands#

PM2 provides many subcommands that allow you to manage or look up information about your applications.

List the applications currently managed by PM2:

pm2 list

Stop an application with this command (specify the PM2 App name or id):

pm2 stop app-name-or-id

Restart an application:

pm2 restart app-name-or-id

Get information about a specific application using its App name:

pm2 info app-name